Prioritize Your Rest & Recovery

As much as we push the muscles during training, it’s equally important to give them adequate time to recover and rest between our workouts. We don’t actually build any strength while doing our resistance training workouts--it’s afterwards while we are resting and digesting the food that we eat that we build muscle. 

So it’s very important to take rest days as needed according to your program and level of exercise. Most people benefit from rest days after every 2-3 workout days, especially in the beginning of their training. Advanced exercisers will often train 5-7 days every week, but experts recommend taking a rest day every 7 days of exercise to give the body time to recuperate.  

You can still be active on your rest days, but it’s important not to stress the body on these days. Low intensity cardio exercise is a great option for rest and recovery days--so you can go for a light walk or do a low-intensity session on a cardio machine (like a bike or elliptical). Every once in a while, though, you may want to take a day of complete rest. Many people do this every 7 days and benefit greatly! 

Not taking enough rest and recovery time between workouts can be detrimental to your progress in the long term by leading to burn out and overuse injuries. We definitely don’t want that! If you have an intense training routine, be careful and on the lookout for signs of overtraining. Feeling overly fatigued, having trouble sleeping (even though you’re exhausted), lack of appetite, and mood swings are all signs that you may be pushing your body too much. Either reduce the intensity in some of your workouts, or add in another rest day.

Make sure to listen to your body and take rest days as needed--but be careful not to overdo it! Even if you’re still feeling tired and sore, return to your program after 2 days of rest. You can reduce your workout intensity if needed--but it’s very important to consistently show up for your workouts to avoid falling off the wagon. Consistency is key!


Jayd Harrison is an author, health coach, and online personal trainer from the Raleigh-Durham area of North Carolina. Over the last decade, she has helped individuals to find their strength and build a healthy lifestyle through personal training, group fitness, and online fitness content. Check out her blog, Youtube channel, and Jaydigains Twitch channel to learn more. Subscribe to the email list to stay up-to-date and receive special offers on Jayd Harrison Fitness & Wellness services and products.


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