Are you getting enough sleep?

Did you know that not getting enough sleep can hurt your weight loss and fitness progress?

That's right!

Studies have shown that people who are chronically under-slept are more likely to be overweight than people who get enough sleep (read more).

Why is that?

Well, one reason is that sleep-deprived people tend to be too tired to exercise, so they don't end up burning as many calories.

They also tend to take in more calories throughout the day. Not getting enough sleep can affect the hormones that control appetite (like ghreline and leptin). Also, people who are awake for longer have more opportunities to eat--and they're also more likely to snack and eat more calories to combat their low energy levels.

Sleep deprivation also has a ton of other harmful effects on our health and wellness!

When we don't sleep enough, we increase our risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, or picking up a virus or infection because of a weakened immune system.

Not getting enough sleep also affects our brain health and functioning. Memory, decision-making, reasoning, problem-solving, learning, reaction time, and alertness all plummet when we don't get enough rest.

As you can see, getting enough sleep is super important for our bodies and our brains!

How much sleep should you get, exactly?

Well, the precise amount depends on a lot of factors and can change over time. Watch the Better Than Yesterday video below on sleep to learn more about how to get enough sleep:

Remember that it's important to pay close attention to all the factors that influence your body's ability to burn fat.

Even if you're eating healthy, exercising, and drinking plenty of water, you may not see the progress you'd like if you're not getting enough sleep.

If you have trouble sleeping, consider creating a bedtime routine to cue your brain to calm down and relax. Also, check out the Healthline article 17 Proven Tips to Sleep Better at Night.

What do you think--are you getting enough sleep?

About the Author

Jayd Harrison is a personal trainer and content creator. She helps people to build muscle, burn fat, and clean up their diets with her online coaching programs and social media content. Check out some of Jayd’s coaching videos on Youtube, or join Jayd live on Twitch and follow on social media.


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