Troubleshoot Your Romanian Deadlift (RDL)

What is the most intimidating weight-training exercise for you?

If you’re like many of my clients and followers, you probably answered: deadlifts!

You probably do this movement multiple times every day, regardless of whether you’re aware of it or not.

The deadlift is the movement of picking something up from the ground in a standing position.

Deadlifts are one of the more tricky exercises to master and perform safely. Most adults that I see have poor mobility and movement patterns, which puts them at risk of straining their backs whenever they pick something up from the ground (both in and outside the gym).

There are a lot of moving pieces involved in safely lifting weight from the ground—you have to keep your spine in alignment, monitor the degree of hip hinge to knee bend, engage the lats, and stay balanced, among other things.

Another thing that makes deadlifts difficult to master is the many variations. Some variations rely more on hinging the hips than bending the knees (e.g., Romanian Deadlifts and Conventional Deadlifts). Others incorporate more knee bending and a more upright posture (e.g., Sumo and Frog Stance).

Most people have a preferred variation according to their individual strengths, body shape (i.e., length of torso, arms, and leg bones), and individual preferences. However, it’s a good idea to master the correct technique of all deadlift variations for a well-rounded physique and mobility.

Let’s take a look at how to do one of the most common forms of the deadlift—the Romanian Deadlift. We’ll also troubleshoot some common errors with the technique so that you can practice the movement with perfect form.

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