Healthy Diet Makeover

Clean up your diet in 5 simple steps!

Hey there! 👋 I’m personal trainer and nutrition coach Jayd Harrison.

I’ve designed this simple 5-step program to help you improve your eating to support fat loss and muscle-building.

Healthy eating doesn’t have to be overwhelming.

Social media influencers saying “don’t eat this” and “don’t eat that” might have you asking yourself:

“What the heck can I eat if I want to be healthy?”

I feel your pain. Whenever I see a thumbnail that says something like “STOP EATING THIS” I want to crawl out of my skin.

Because the truth is: healthy eating doesn’t have to be complicated or restrictive.

And you don’t have to get rid of foods that you love to improve your health.

I created the Healthy Diet Makeover program to teach you an approach that is all about balance.

No extremes.

No starvation.

I’ve designed this program to give you simple steps to follow to take the diet you already have and make it better.

Because after all, a healthy diet is only as effective as you can stick to it. And nobody sticks to things they hate in the long run.

I’ll show you how to revamp your diet to support your fitness goals by incorporating foods that you love and adding more nutritious and calorie-smart options.

This short course can be done in as little as 2 weeks. And you’ll have lifetime access so you can work at your own pace.

You’ll learn how to:

👉 eat healthy intuitively

👉 set and reach daily goals for your calories and macronutrients

👉 meal plan to support your fitness

Course Roadmap

The program is broken up into 5 main parts:

Step 1 Snapshot

In the first part, you’ll create a Snapshot of what your current diet looks like. This will help you to develop some self-awareness and identify the things that you’ll want to change in the future.

Step 2 Build a Healthy Plate

After the Snapshot, you’ll begin to clean up your diet by learning how to choose nutritious foods with the Healthy Plate Model. You’ll learn how to eat a balanced diet with vegetables, fruit, protein, and other food groups while incorporating foods that you love.

Step 3 Calories Count

Once you’ve learned how to build a healthy plate, you’ll learn how to manage your calorie intake to make your nutrition even more effective for your fitness goals. The Calories Count section of this program will help you determine your maintenance level of calories and set a new calorie goal for burning fat and building muscle.

Step 4 Macros Balance

Not only is it important to eat the right number of calories every day, but you also should be mindful of where your calories come from. In the Macros Balance section, you’ll learn how to get the right number of calories from macronutrients like protein, carbohydrates, and dietary fat. This will boost your muscle gains and fat loss while making your workouts even more effective.

Step 5 Meal Planning

In the Meal Planning section, you’ll learn how to put everything you’ve learned into action with a weekly meal plan. You’ll also learn different strategies for practicing meal prep, which will help you consistently eat according to your nutrition goals.